Saturday, August 18, 2012

Examination techniques in the treatment of depression

Some people have difficulty managing depression. Sometimes it may be that depression and fear get the best of them. As a result, here is a short list of techniques that a person can use to help manage depression.
I was told by the consultant that one of the ways to manage depression is a challenge negative thinking with positive statements and realistic thinking. When confronted with ideas that frighten or depression, challenge those thoughts by asking questions that will keep you objectivity and common sense. For example, your fear that if you do not get this promotion will be stuck in your business forever. This allows you to reduce, but your thinking in this situation is not realistic. The fact of the matter is that there are all kinds of jobs available and just because you do not receive this offer career does not mean you will not get one. In addition, people change jobs all the time, and you can always go somewhere else if you are not satisfied with your present.

Some people become depressed and it is very difficult to get out of bed in the morning. When this happens, a person should take a deep breath and try to find something to do to get their mind off of the problem. The person can walk, listen to music, read the newspaper or activity that will give them a new perspective on things. Will do anything to get your mind off of the problem and give you confidence to do other things.

Sometimes it may become depressed and we are more than the work we have to do in the near future. When this happens, visualize yourself doing the task in your mind. For example, you and your team must play volleyball in the championship game in front of a large group of people in the coming days. Before the big day comes, imagine yourself playing the game in your mind. Imagine that you have to play before a large audience. Playing the game in your mind, you will be better prepared to perform for real when the time comes. Self-perception is a great way to reduce the fear and tension for the next case.

Another method that is very useful is to have a small notebook of positive statements that make us feel good. Whenever you come across confirms that makes you feel good, write it down in a small notebook that you can carry with you in your pocket. Whenever you feel depressed, opening small notebook and read those statements.

As a layman, and author of concern, and I've done a lot of interviews with various counselors in how to manage the fear, anxiety and depression. Techniques that I have covered a few basic ways to manage your depression, but the best is to get professional help.

Unreasonable drug solution to Depression

Until recently, there were four options for persons with depression. These were:
1. Do nothing, suffer and hope it will get better with time. This is the sad choice of many, and it does not work. They often get worse.

2. Placed on one of the huge range of advertiser on drugs, and then put them on other drugs in the hope of solving side effects as they appear. This is known as the drug "side chain effect." (My ex-wife once ended up with six different drugs in this way, and the impact of the end it got worse instead of better - as a result it is not uncommon)

3. Pay exorbitant amounts of money for Biofeedback EEG (Neurofeedback) training. This has been the best solution so far. The rate of overall success (with good and bad doctors) to be about 85%. But, the cost of 60 (recommended) half hour sessions with a "professional" at $ 4500 to more than $ 10,000 higher than the capacity of most families middle and low income.

4. Attempt clinics sensitivity different in an attempt to find the allergy / sensitivity responsible, and also do all the different tests for toxicity metal (mercury, copper, arsenic, cadmium, etc. This is also very expensive, with the best system is very (end of calibration points), up from $ 10,000 cost. (For more information about EPT, see

Now, there is another option. I invented a new way to change the amplitude brain wave (up or down) is similar to the BF EEG, but inexpensive enough to give low-income families and middle of choosing drugs are expensive and dangerous. It is mostly used voice messages during sleep. Instead of changing behavior as is "normal" with this technique, it does the same thing, which Biofeedback EEG (Neurofeedback) No, no it raises brain wave SMR (12-14 cycles per second - Hz), while lowering the Theta brain wave ( 4-8 Hz) at the same time.

For those who are not familiar with BF EEG, and this is the most effective brain training mechanism to solve this problem the best brain in particular. (And also solves ADHD, insomnia, IBS, epilepsy, schizophrenia cases until there is proof of many strong on the effectiveness of this BF EEG, and can be found on the summary of the papers in professional:

In my practice earlier as psychology molecules correct quantities are correct, you may use audio messages with good success, and in 2004, I realized that it should be possible to use this technique to do the same thing done by the units BF EEG expensive and a computer. Instead of going through the conscious mind of the "trainee" to affect the subconscious, why not go directly to the subconscious mind?

After more than two years, three clinical trials, and take advantage of the extensive testing of volunteers who have paid for the right to participate, I proved the following:

1. Auditory training brainwave Patty (patent pending) is very similar to BF EEG and achieve the same "basic brain training" with the presence of these slight differences following:

A. It compares with one night's sleep being almost equivalent to half an hour session. Showed 9-10 weeks of sleep almost the same improvement in ADHD diagnosed persons to 60 half-hour sessions at the clinic. (Yes, it takes a long time to be effective, with either method - there really is not any "magic pill", despite the fact that drug companies say in their ads.

B. There is more likelihood of Hawthorne Effect in this training from BF EEG in training. For further information, see to this end: .

In the last test, and this effect was discussed possible, and warned in advance about them, even though they occurred in a small number of cases, it did not deter any of the volunteers, as it did in the earlier test. (This is not a serious "side effects" such as can be caused by all medications! Can cause minor discomfort in a small number of individuals for just one day or so at worst.)

C. Motivation is no longer a big factor as is the case in BF EEG. Every parent
The child must be motivated to continue long weeks of training, If you stop training before the end point, is losing some, or most, of the profits.

2. This system costs under $ 200, this is the fee for one time only. It can be used for as long as it takes. (With autistic children, and can take up to 200 session BF EEG). The system consists of two basic CDs. The first is the actual sound training program, to play on any player CD, boom box, and so on. CD is the second tablet PC contains many useful adjuncts other programs for this training. This includes a free allergy / sensitivity test, and a bottle of free amino acids supplement has a calming effect, and several articles on alternative health treatments that have proven to be of help to all kinds of problems the brain.

3. There is also a one-year full money back guarantee for success. If anyone tries this at least 60 days, and then states that there was no significant improvement they will get a discount of full, including shipping and handling (which is included in the price).

Now, even low-income families and middle have the option of not forcing them to do something or try and / or use of dangerous drugs.

Look at different speeds treatment of depression

One of the most prevalent health problems in many countries all over the world is depressed. In fact, I have concluded that the majority of people who suffer from depression at some point during their lives. Consequently, everyone should at least a basic understanding of what plans are available in different therapeutic depression 21. In fact, when it comes to treating depression, there are a number of different options available to people afflicted with this debilitating disease can be.
If a person is suffering from a condition, light scattered from depression, treatment of depression may include more effective sleep, improved diet and increased exercise. In some cases, a combination of these treatments lead to depression effective treatment system.

Many people find themselves suffering through a more serious bout of depression. In such cases, you must program for the treatment of depression include professional assistance. When consulting qualified health care professional, and the program for the treatment of depression, including treatment and medication or medications is likely to be recommended.

When it comes to a program for treatment of depression, medications are useful in helping to reduce the symptoms usually associated with depressive illness. However, in most cases, it is important that the program includes the treatment of depression treatment. Therapy is an important part of the treatment program for depression in many cases to help the patient discover the root causes of depressive illness, which he or she is distressed.

In some cases, a depression so severe that treatment program for depression include hospitalization. In most cases, only the person who hospitalized for depression imprisonment for a short period of time - for a few days. The goal of treatment in hospitals as a depression treatment regimen in the 21st century is to stabilize the patient. Will be performed on the long-term treatment on an outpatient basis. Long gone are the days (in most cases) to achieve stability and that occur during intensive treatment and the patient participate in a treatment program of inpatient depression.

In recent years, many began working in the field of mental health once again to advocate the use EST (ECT) for patients who have a deeper depression. For a certain period of time in the 1970s and 1980s, EST depression as a treatment option and frowned upon by broad category of community mental health care. However, in recent years, has been refining techniques associated with EST and many doctors have come to see positive results in patients who are exposed to the treatment regimen, which include depression EST. But, once again, is used as an option EST to treat depression in a limited number of cases where the patient's depression especially severe and relentless over a period of time. Programs for the treatment of depression include therapy, patients receiving EST also participate in the course of treatment in an attempt to discover the root causes of depressive illness.

10 common symptoms of depression

Each year, about 9.5 percent of the U.S. population suffer from depression. Depression is a serious illness that affects the daily life and destroys families. It is a disorder that controls the mind and its functions causing loss of appetite, insomnia, mood swings, and a deep sense of despair.
And to vary the intensity of depressive symptoms and changes over time. It can, according to experts depression is a genetic disease, or because of fatal diseases, or stress. Other causes are certain diseases, medicines, drugs, alcohol, or mental illness. Saw women from exposure to depression than men, due to hormonal fluctuations, and changes the menstrual cycle, pregnancy and abortion before menopause, menopause last.

Common symptoms are:

1. And unshakeable sadness, anxiety or depression.

2. Overwhelming feelings of hopelessness accompanied by pessimistic.

3. Extreme guilt, feelings of helplessness, of course not.

4. Loss of energy, metabolism slows, and activity levels. Exposure to a series of constant fatigue.

5. Helplessness and disability and an increase in the concentration and frequency.

6. Loss of sleep and the development of severe insomnia.

7. Unexplained weight loss or weight gain. Resulting from loss of appetite or binge eating.

8. Brooding and suicidal tendencies.

9. Irritability, and emotion, as well as insomnia.

10. Physical pain such as headaches, digestive disorders, and chronic pain for no particular reason.

If you experience any of the above as well as a marked change in behavior do consult a doctor. And it will give you a thorough examination to eliminate physical causes of depression as well as underlying medical problems. Then, if necessary, it is recommended to consult a psychiatrist or psychologist.

Take things in hand and try to clear your mind and negative. Cut up to life imprisonment, such as the depletion of worthlessness and hopelessness. Change your life by setting some objectives. Try to relax and meditation, and enjoy the music. New activities that absorb your time and interest. Go out and meet people and participate in group activities. Avoid the company of negative people. Choose to enjoy the movie, Prince Alwaleed, a family outing, picnic, or a trip. Be positive, confident, and have no confidence. Faith is the largest single processor. I decided to change the world for the better. However do follow the doctor's advice. Can be addressed as follows: antidepressants, psychotherapy, and lifestyle changes. In extreme cases provided for electroconvulsive therapy or phototherapy.

If the escalation of depression or suicide, you call a doctor or health care provider. Do not call the local health and community mental health center, hospital or clinic. Someone will lend a helping hand and talk you through the crisis.

Potential cause of depression and the solution

I made an amazing discovery recently that helped me very to stop falling into bouts of depression. In this article I write about this discovery which I hope will help others to live a happier life, free from anxiety and tension.
I am the type that could easily allow things on top of me. If I'm here I rushed around there and everywhere by family or friends, and I feel often left drained and exhausted very. I'm sure it is the same thing for many people, but the way it affects me over twenty-four hours following is a bit different. It seems to me to lose all my energy and this can easily lead me then to think very negative, and often end up becoming depressed me completely.

For some reason this depression can stay and in a way haunt my life for a very few days. I'm starting to worry about the future, and start thinking that I failed, start to become paranoid about what other people think of me and became the basis of fear to leave my house.

I talked to my family and my parents, especially on this topic. Advised me that they seek help from a doctor. And I must say that although it would be good advice for most people, and I feel that I am the type of person who can easily become addicted and dependent on the tablets that described. I certainly do not want to addiction in addition to my problems.

Possible solution to my depression

A few weeks ago, I watched a television program that has had since a big impact on my life. The program type army and spoke about how a certain group of soldiers apparently became ill and all could not complete even the most routine tasks.

Has been called a doctor or other medical person type their camp to investigate what went wrong. The initial belief that it was probably some sort of food poisoning.

The doctor stated that the men actually had salt deprivation and called for a large amount of salt tablets to be purchased in the camp.

I thought about it and wondered if this could be the cause of my problems.

The next time you feel down or more when tired, eat food that contain a lot of salt and I am very pleased to announce that I quickly regained my energy levels and confidence. This is a simple solution to the big problem for me.

If you are also a kind of person who is depressed often try eating salt a little more, and that could change your life.

Look at the different processing systems and programs depression

One of the health problems most prevalent in many countries around the world is depressed. In fact, I have concluded that the majority of people will suffer from depression at some point in their lives. Accordingly, it should be all people have at least a basic knowledge of the different systems are available for the treatment of depression 21. In fact, when it comes to treating depression, there are a number of different options available for those suffering from this debilitating disease could.
If a person suffers from an illness, the light scattered by the depression, you can treat depression effectively program includes more sleep, an improved diet and increased exercise. In some cases, a combination of these remedies do not lead to a depression treatment system effectively.

Many people find themselves suffering through a more serious bout of depression. In such cases, the program must include the treatment of depression and professional help. When consulting with a professional program qualified health treatment, including treatment of depression and drugs or medications may be recommended.

When it comes to treating depression program, and drugs are useful in helping to reduce the symptoms usually associated with depressive illness. However, in most cases, it is important that the program includes the treatment of depression treatment. Treatment is an important part of the treatment program for depression in many cases to help the patient discovered the root causes of the depressive illness that is infected.

In some instances, a depressive illness is so severe that the program includes inpatient treatment depression. In most cases, this will not be a person who has been hospitalized for depression in prison for a short period of time - a few days. The goal of treatment in hospitals as a treatment regimen for depression in the 21st century is to stabilize the patient. There will be a long-term treatment on an outpatient basis. Gone is the time (in most cases) to achieve stability and occur during intensive treatment and the patient to participate in a treatment program for depression hospital.

In recent years, many have begun to mental health professionals once again to defend the use EST (ECT) for patients who suffer from depression. For a while in the 1970s and 1980s, EST as a depression treatment option and deprecated by major category of mental health care in the professional community. Technical However, in recent years, has been associated with IS refining and many doctors have come to see the results useful in patients who are vulnerable to depression treatment regimen that includes EST. But once again, use the IS as a depression treatment option in a limited number of cases where particularly serious and unrelenting depression over a period of time the patient. As treatment programs for depression include medication, patients who receive EST also participate in treatment in order to discover the root causes of the depressive illness.

Recognize your depression

Depression is a disease and should be recognized in this way. This is not a reason to be ashamed. Why so many people fail to seek help for depression, which is that they are ashamed. Unfortunately, this is one of the feelings of depression associated in any case, and makes it difficult to identify the disease.
If you feel constantly low, in particular, may goodwill friends tell you to "shake" or even begin to get excited about the mood. And your depression is fed these negative and start to wonder why you can not just "snap out of it." You can start to feel that there is something wrong with you because it would be very easy and it's just "not fair" that you feel so bad all the time. Well, this is not true and there is nothing wrong with you. You have a medical problem and you deserve treatment in the same way as any other patient. If you have a cold for a period of six months you ignore it and hope that it will go? No, you yourself dose with everything you could possibly find and see a doctor to find out if there was a reason behind that last a long time.

Depression is sadness that lasts a very long time. Everyone sad at some point in their lives, but depression is more than that. It is a feeling that you can not resolve from the bottom. In the end you give up. People start to avoid you. Feel worse. You have to find outside help to address this problem in the same way as you do if you have a cold a long time. You can try herbal remedies - there in the pharmacy - or you can see a doctor. There may be a reason for the material associated with depression.

If your doctor can not help you, they may refer you for advice. Do not be embarrassed to go see adviser, but make sure you are comfortable with your counselor. If not, try another. Should not be rejected Council because you do not feel comfortable with your first choice of practitioner. In everyday life, you will find that you get naturally with some people and clash with others. You can not afford to have a personal conflict with your advisor. On the other hand, you should be sure that it is a struggle not only personal and that you do not agree with what they say. The general rule is to go with your instincts. If you love the person and seem to get along in the first two sessions, then stick with it just because they can address the root causes of the problem.

In some cases, it may be difficult to recognize depression because you lived with him for a long time so that you do not know whether or not depression. If you grew up with depression can not be aware that in fact you are depressed because you have no idea how ordinary people must feel. You may feel angry all the time or you may feel like going in the middle of an empty field and simply screaming. You may feel anxiety disorders sleep, or sleep even more than necessary. You may think your family would be better off without you (and we believe, in fact it is true) can be considered as escape or commit suicide. May worry about death all the time (you or someone else) and left happy just in case ...... (Or "I have to enjoy this moment in the case ..........."). If you feel some or all of the above, then you should consider to someone who speaks and even if it's just a friend or loved one to begin with, they may be able to advise you and encourage you to seek professional help.

Once you have recognized Please remember that depression is a treatable disease and can be. You do not have to feel this way forever. No one really believes you the way you think they do. Talk to someone. And seeks to accept assistance, and we will see that there is another way of seeing life.

5 ways to effectively treat minor depression

Consider adopting a pet. Studies have shown that people who own pets, including cats and dogs, live a happier and healthier. The reason is because pets provide company and unconditional love, which is one of the reasons that can help eliminate the simplest cases and / or stress depression.
A $. Has regular fitness regimen helps treat depression, including walking or jogging slowly Experts believe that walking for 30 minutes each day can help relieve stress and anxiety, which often lead to depression, and may also improve heart health.

$ Find a hobby that you love. If you have lots of time on your hands, consider volunteering at a local hospital or get involved in some sort of community activity that offers you personal satisfaction and enjoyment. After all, busy hands are happy hands.

Dollar loss of sleep is one of the main causes of tension and anxiety, which are directly related to depression. To improve the quality of your sleep, make sure that your mattress is comfortable with your pillow. It can also help to keep your room at a comfortable temperature so you can sleep all night without being disrupted by cold or hot temperatures. Finally, the use of portable air filters help remove allergens in the air and leave the room with a feeling of cleanliness. This can help relieve allergies, which often disrupt sleep and can lead to anxiety throughout the day.

$ Examine the issue of depression and try to remove it from your life. Whether it's a job or a relationship, you may be able to eliminate effectively away from depression due. If your business is stressful because of the amount of hours spent at work, consider reducing overtime in exchange for more fun at home with the family. If your school is too demanding, and take into account in assessing your progress, which are most important for special education. If a relationship is what you are in a rut, consider a counseling session for couples or talk with your partner about what is bothering you. If the problem is too big to work by looking at the time, some to reevaluate your relationship outside and see if relieves depression after the separation of trial.

This article should be used for informational purposes only. They should use the information contained in this document and in the place with the board or health care professional regarding the treatment of depression. Did you notice symptoms of depression, or think they may be a problem, should consult a physician for proper diagnosis and / or treatment recommendation.

5 tips to help you proved that depression Wipeout series computer, you can live a happy life

Are you single?
Did you know that loneliness is a normal part of our everyday lives.

Lets face it, we were all there.

When we are depressed, we fail in our exams, when rejecting the person we love, or when someone very close to us dies.

It is a part of life.

But, depression, however, can be more fatal than the ordinary loneliness. Could impact long life that can destroy your self-esteem, health and well-being in the process.

Well today is your lucky day because I'm going to share with you some tips to help you overcome depression mood "" so you can make the most of daily activities happiness.

So with that said, let's Tip # 1.

Tip # 1. Can get enough light and sunshine?

Did you know that lack of exposure to sunlight is responsible for the secretion of melatonin, a hormone is called, which could lead to a pessimistic mood and / or lethargy.

Melatonin is only produced in the dark. What it does is it reduces the body temperature and makes you feel sluggish.

So if you locked in your room that you have always (with the curtains closed), it will be difficult to prevent you from staying in bed.

This is why many people suffer from depression much more often in winter than in other seasons.

This is simply because the longer nights.

If you can not get some sun, you can always lighten up your room with brighter lights to help offset the darkness.

Or ...

You can go to lunch outside the office to change and go for walks in the afternoon frequent at the beginning, instead of driving your car over short distances.

The options are endless. It is really up to you.

Tip # 2. Stay busy and inspired obtained.

You're more likely to overcome feelings of depression if you keep your mind busy doing the activities that I enjoy more than others.

Do things you enjoy.

If you're a little short on cash, you can participate in simple things like taking a walk in the park, playing sports, reading books, or engaging in any activity that you have passion and j 'would follow.

In addition, set a goal.

Regardless of how difficult life can be or are not encouraging, and remain constant to have a firm belief that you are capable of doing what you want.

With this kind of positive attitudes and good humor to verify overcome depression.

Tip # 3. Take a break. Sit back and relax.

I really do.

Listen to soothing music as you want. Soak in a hot bath. Just take a break from your stressful workload and spend the day goofing around doing the things you love.

In other words, go have fun. Life is too short for the same thing.

Tip # 4. Maintaining a healthy diet and stay in shape.

Avoid foods that contain a lot of caffeine, sugar or alcohol.

Sugar and caffeine may give you a brief moment of power, but will bring later problems of stress, anxiety and internal.

Alcohol on the other hand is a depressant. Many people drink alcohol just to "forget their problems."

Everything you do is the deterioration in the process.

Also, did you know that regular exercise is a vital depression buster.

Why you ask?

Simply because it allows your body to produce more endorphins than usual.

Endorphins are sometimes called "happy chemicals" because of the reduction of stress and happiness inducing property.

Tip # 5. Access to social life outside of work.

No man is an island. Your circle of friends there inside you give moral support.

Can spend time and engage in activities with them just give you a very satisfying feeling.

We all now ... Nothing better than to have felt the support team.

And ... Not underestimate the power of touch.

What I mean is ... Does it not feel good, even when someone taps you on the back and give you words of encouragement during your most difficult times?

Hug or kiss someone today.

Get intimate.

Create relationships with family and friends.

Can love and care for others in strengthening the immune system and ward off disease dramatically.

Best of all, you will live a life safer and happier.