Can be defined as anxiety and negative emotions that are usually found in nature. It will often consist of fear and anxiety, and some organisms may be exposed to physical signs such as nausea, chest pain or. Anxiety is an emotional complex and consists of a number of different elments. Some of these are physical, cognitive, and the body will be prepared to face any external threat. Heart rate accelerates, and increased blood pressure. Be different muscles in the body also get high blood levels. At the same time, the functions of the digestive system delay.
And people who have anxiety generally have a sense of dread. There are a number of processes, voluntary and any other place in the body, and the purpose of these operations is to move away from the source object that causes it to have anxiety. Anxiety is an important emotion, and aims to increase the survival of living organisms. Humans appears as anxiety comes from the hippocampus and amygdala, two regions in the brain. When a person detects odors or tastes, and there will be a large amount of blood flow, which will be located in the amygdala. The evidence also shows that medium levels of anxiety will be present also in this case.
Based on these studies, it appears that the concerns and aims to keep humans and other organisms to eat or things that can be harmful because they are well. While anxiety is normal, it is not possible for anyone with large amounts of it have what is called an anxiety disorder. In extreme cases, perhaps for people who suffer from anxiety disorders have strong cases where terrorism. Anxiety disorders are divided down to phobias, panic disorder and generalized anxiety disorder and obsessive compulsive disorder. Is a person who suffers from a phobia have an abnormal amount of fear of a specific object or situation. People who tend to be broad imagination and phobias, and realize that their fear is often irrational.
When a person suffers from a panic disorder, they will have severe panic attacks, dizziness, or perhaps respiratory problems. And achieve these attacks generally increase in about 10 minutes. Anxiety disorders are common, and to a larger portion of the population. It is common among men and women, and is characterized by long periods of concern linked to any object or situation. With obsessive-compulsive disorder, an individual with an obsession or compulsion when it comes to certain types of behavior. People who suffer from this disorder feel the need to do something very concerned to reduce their anxiety.
Many people who have this disorder must be very clean, and are afraid of germs. To reduce their anxiety, and wash your hands a lot of their time in a day. There are two main roads that are used to help people who suffer from anxiety, it is either a treatment or prescription medicaitons.
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